OHIO VALLEY REGION SCCA Board of Directors’ Meeting, January 12, 2022 (revised)Zoom Board Members Present: Suzy Hardesty, Dan Hodge, Gloria Sheets, Jude Summers, Randy Tackett, Dave Brown
Officers Present: Phil Alspach, Sam Halkias, Tami Tackett, Dennis Barschow, Dan Michael, Alan Stamper, John England, Sidney Scott
Others Present: David Killian Call to Order: 7:30 p.m. Minutes: – November minutes were revised and resubmitted. Motion to approve revised November minutes Motion to approve December minutes Old Business: Hodge/Summers Hodge/Tackett Approved Approved – There was some discussion again regarding how to show thanks to those who attended National Championship events. It was decided to put ideas in writing and circulate them around to the BoD members via email. Also, each group needs to make a list of what the requirements would be to qualify for reimbursement/ reward. Care and Concern: – As mentioned in the December 2021 minutes, Jeff Loewe is now at home and doing better after his severe illness and hospitalization related to COVID complications.
– Brian Robertson, long time OVR member who participated in Solo racing for many years, has been in the hospital ICU since mid- December with COVID related complications. – Randy Tackett was recently diagnosed with COVID, but is at home and starting to feel better. -Tim Gordon is getting better with his recovery at home
– Brooks Greer Memorial Service to be held on January 29th. News/Updates: None Treasurer’s report:
– Report was presented; No outstanding issues. Motion to approve report: Hodge/Summers Approved, Alspach abstained :: Officer Reports ::
RallyX: (John England & Sid Scott)
– Budget for 2021 & proposed budget for 2022 was submitted
– New sites for events: waiting on the schedules for the sites and then can determine when RallyX event dates can be scheduled – There is a chance to host the RallyX Nationals at Ross County Fairgrounds again this year. The national level of SCCA liked the site and is interested in having it in Ohio again. Solo: (Dan Michael & Alan Stamper)
– Budget for 2021 & proposed budget for 2022 was submitted
– Fortress Obetz dates are set and the contract is ready; Dan just needs to meet with Steve at Obetz to sign the contract. – A few dates to start the season will be: 4/21/22- Tech & Trophy presentation event
4/24/22- Test & Tune and Driver’s School event
5/22/22- PE #1
Other dates are set and will be sent to the BoD. There will be 6 points events plus the Test & Tune/Driver’s School event. – Looking at pursuing the use of lots at OSU again this year – Checking into a police training lot in London as a possible additional event site which would be nice for adding more events towards the end of the season since Fortress Obetz does not have dates for Solo events after the first part of August. Race: (Jude Summers)
Regional & Pro:
– BoD has proposed budget for Majors 2022 in the Treasury report
– Next month should have the proposed budget for Regionals 2022
– Discussion about the Majors events being scheduled between 2 Super Tours; concern about having enough participants to break even or come only a little ahead for the cost of the event.
– Some discussion about the pros and cons for increasing fees to cover costs vs pros and cons for decreasing fees to attract more participants Track Event: (Matt Downing submitted info via email)
– Budgets for September 2021, October 2021 and proposed 2022 were submitted – Matt & Glenn still need some people to take over this group for leadership Competition: none Special Events: none Social: – Looking more closely at using the Villa Milano for banquet in January 2023 (video conference option is available there)
– Need to find out the SCCA National Convention date for January 2023 to make sure it does not conflict with the OVR banquet date. – BoD awards for 2021 go to: Tami Tackett and Sam Halkias
– Steward award for 2021 goes to: Randy Tackett Membership: (Dennis Barschow via email)
247 family, 473 regular, 26 life = 746 (32 dual & 5 free) -Years of membership pins will be sent out on MondayWebsite: None Observers Stand: (Dave Brown)
– Next issue to include those people who are receiving awards for the 2021 seasonHistorian: none New Business: Motion to approve Phil Alspach for Treasurer and Sam Halkias for Assistant Treasurer
Summers/Brown Approved – Sam said the Treasury desperately needs an update in the computer equipment (including software & printer) Motion made by Sam requesting $1500 for new computer and equipment Summers/Hodge Approved | – Spring Training (Hodge)—Still planning on having it in Ft. Wayne, IN on March 5th; registration will be on the Great Lakes Region website; there is some discussion about some of the meeting sessions being virtual
– Further discussion at next BoD meeting about who will be attending from OVRNext meeting location: Via Zoom (February 9, 2022) |
Motion to Adjourn: Hodge/ Sheets Approved-meeting adjourned @ 9:11pm Respectfully submitted by Tami Tackett, Region Secretary |