The Observers Stand / March 06, 2022

The Observers Stand 11

The Observers Stand

Editors Note:

By: David Brown

Wow has this year gotten off to a fast start. Just like that we’re into mid March and the racing seasons are getting underway. I was lucky enough to get a last minute opportunity to go to the Daytona 500 again this year and it was great getting a chance to get some sun and watch some racing without a coat on. Below I’ve got a “family” picture with my brothers and Mr and Mrs Hendrick and Alex Bowman who drives the 48 car taken just before the race got underway. It has been amazing to spend time with the Hendrick family over the years. While the focus is on NASCAR, Mr H is a road racer and has been involved with many successful road racing programs over the years starting with the IMSA Corvette GTP and continuing today as a co-entrant with Action Express Motorsports on an IMSA prototype entry. He also entered several NASCAR road races at Riverside before its demise.

This issue of The Observers Stand is coming out a little sooner than normal as we want to make sure everyone is aware of our Annual Tech Day and Socializer at Alliance Autosport on April 2 from 10-2. Be sure to have your logbook and helmet and plan to stop by for an in person outing.

We also want to make sure we have program calendars out for all our groups as soon as possible so you can get your schedules together for the year. Registration detail can be found on so get your plans ready now. Our road races will be listed much sooner this year and our Majors race is available to register now for competitors here and for workers here.

Solo has exciting news with more opportunities to race including several weekday evenings at Fortress Obetz. They get the year off to a start soon with the trophy presentations from last year and an annual tech. You can find more info here.

Schedules are posted below for all events, but as always could be subject to change. Please consult the website and our Facebook pages and groups for the latest updates.

We are hopeful that things return as closely to normal as possible and are actively searching for meeting space for Board Meetings as well as Socializers. All help is welcomed so if you know of a place please let us know either by replying to this email or contacting the RE or any Director. We’ve also dealt with the challenges of sending bulk emails as on the last issue both AOL and Yahoo bounced every one sent. It’s made the job of editor a bit challenging and there really isn’t much we can do to get around it. We’ll work to get these posted on our website in PDF format and continue to post links on our various Facebook platforms. You can always add to your address book to help get around these measures as well. I’ve included the most recent BOD minutes and will continue to add these to each forthcoming issue. As a reminder BOD minutes are available from any BOD member–just ask. Finally, I always want to hear what you think so please send feedback to me and I ALWAYS want stuff to put in the next issue.

Annual Tech  April 2, 2022

Annual tech will take place at:
Alliance Autosport
4991 Transamerica Drive
Columbus OH 43228
on April 2, 2022 from 10:00am to 2:00pm
You might notice our 2022 Track Event listed below is marked *Tentative. At this moment we have not had someone step up to chair this event. We would love to continue to host these days but new faces are needed for that to happen. Time is running out. Please reach out to a BOD member immediately if you are willing to help this program continue.

Road Racing 2022

June 11-12 Majors Mid-Ohio
Sept 3-4 Double Regional Mid-Ohio
Oct 15-16 Double Regional Mid-Ohio
Ohio Valley Region SCCA Facebook

Rallycross 2022

May 14 Joe’s Speedway
May 15 Joe’s Speedway
June 4 Mid-Ohio Offroad
June 5 Mid-Ohio Offroad
July 9 Mid-Ohio Offroad
July 10 Mid-Ohio Offroad
Aug 13 Mid-Ohio Offroad
Aug 14 Mid-Ohio Offroad
Sept 18 Mid-Ohio Offroad
Sept 19 Mid-Ohio Offroad
OVR Rallycross Facebook

Solo 2022

April 21 Fortress Obetz •Tech Only•
April 24 Fortress Obetz Test/Tune
May 11 Fortress Obetz *Wednesday
May 22 Fortress Obetz
June 12 Fortress Obetz
June 26 Fortress Obetz
July 10 Fortress Obetz
July 24 Fortress Obetz
Aug 7 Fortress Obetz
Aug 17 Fortress Obetz *Wednesday
Sept 7 Fortress Obetz *Wednesday
Sept 28 Fortress Obetz *Wednesday
OVR Solo Facebook

Track Event 2022

Sept 2 Mid-Ohio*
Ohio Valley Region SCCA Facebook


March 2022 Membership Totals
Family           249
Reg               483
Life                  26
Total               758
Dual                  31
Free                    5
Runoff’s Qualifications
By:Duane Harrington
GLD Executive StewardThe BOD approved the 2022 Runoffs qualification criteria following their December meeting.  There are changes to both the Majors path as well as the Divisional path.  The qualification criteria can be found in GCR section 3.7.4. Here is a summary of changes:

1.      Majors Path: The performance criteria previously suspended for 2020 and 2021 will be reinstated for 2022.  Drivers must finish in the top 50% of a Conference’s point standings in class or in the Super Tour point standings.  If a class has fewer than 20 participants in a point standings, drivers must finish in the top 10.
2.      2 Majors + 2 Regionals Path: Previously, only Regional events occurring in the calendar year (so after Jan. 1) were eligible in the 2 Majors + 2 Regional path. This now includes any Regional occurring after the 2021 Runoffs and two (2) weeks (Sept. 13, 2022) prior to the start of the 2022 Runoffs.  Enduros are still not eligible.
3.      Canadian Provision: There will not be a Canadian provision in the 2022 Runoffs qualification criteria.
4.      Divisional Path: Drivers will still be required to participate in 4 event weekends in a single division in the same class and finish in the Top 3 (Top 5 for SM/SRF3) of the Division’s point standings However, now all events held in a single division between the end of the 2021 Runoffs and two (2) weeks prior to the start of the 2022 Runoffs (September 13, 2022) will count toward the 4-event weekend participation requirement, regardless of whether it’s a points race.  Divisions will still choose the events that count as points races in their Divisional Championship point standings.  Enduros are still excluded. The reason for this change is that every divisional plan is different.  Some divisions count all events while others don’t.  By counting all events in a division for weekend participation, we are able to bring more consistency across all divisions the Runoffs qualification path, make it easier for drivers, region and divisional leaders to explain, understand and administer which leads to happier members.
Additionally, drivers that have also qualified through the Majors path or are a defending National Champion in the class, will no longer be removed from the Division point standings allowing drivers finishing farther down in the points to move into the one of the Top 3 (or Top 5) finishing positions.  Drivers qualifying outside of the these finishing windows will not move up and will not receive an invitation to the Runoffs.   Divisions are encouraged, but not required to only count points from Regional races within a division.  By not awarding points at Majors events, Majors-only drivers won’t score Divisional points, providing two distinctly different paths to the Runoffs.


Board of Directors’ Meeting, January 12, 2022 (revised)Zoom

Board Members Present: Suzy Hardesty, Dan Hodge, Gloria Sheets, Jude Summers, Randy Tackett, Dave Brown
Officers Present: Phil Alspach, Sam Halkias, Tami Tackett, Dennis Barschow, Dan Michael, Alan Stamper, John England, Sidney Scott
Others Present: David Killian

Call to Order: 7:30 p.m.


– November minutes were revised and resubmitted.

Motion to approve revised November minutes Motion to approve December minutes

Old Business:

Hodge/Summers Hodge/Tackett

Approved Approved

– There was some discussion again regarding how to show thanks to those who attended National Championship events. It was decided to put ideas in writing and circulate them around to the BoD members via email. Also, each group needs to make a list of what the requirements would be to qualify for reimbursement/ reward.

Care and Concern:

– As mentioned in the December 2021 minutes, Jeff Loewe is now at home and doing better after his severe illness and hospitalization related to COVID complications.
– Brian Robertson, long time OVR member who participated in Solo racing for many years, has been in the hospital ICU since mid- December with COVID related complications.

– Randy Tackett was recently diagnosed with COVID, but is at home and starting to feel better. -Tim Gordon is getting better with his recovery at home
– Brooks Greer Memorial Service to be held on January 29th.

News/Updates: None

Treasurer’s report:
– Report was presented; No outstanding issues. Motion to approve report:


Approved, Alspach abstained

:: Officer Reports ::
RallyX: (John England & Sid Scott)
– Budget for 2021 & proposed budget for 2022 was submitted
– New sites for events: waiting on the schedules for the sites and then can determine when RallyX event dates can be scheduled – There is a chance to host the RallyX Nationals at Ross County Fairgrounds again this year. The national level of SCCA liked the site and is interested in having it in Ohio again.

Solo: (Dan Michael & Alan Stamper)
– Budget for 2021 & proposed budget for 2022 was submitted
– Fortress Obetz dates are set and the contract is ready; Dan just needs to meet with Steve at Obetz to sign the contract. – A few dates to start the season will be:

4/21/22- Tech & Trophy presentation event
4/24/22- Test & Tune and Driver’s School event
5/22/22- PE #1
Other dates are set and will be sent to the BoD. There will be 6 points events plus the Test & Tune/Driver’s School event.

– Looking at pursuing the use of lots at OSU again this year

– Checking into a police training lot in London as a possible additional event site which would be nice for adding more events towards the end of the season since Fortress Obetz does not have dates for Solo events after the first part of August.

Race: (Jude Summers)
Regional & Pro:
– BoD has proposed budget for Majors 2022 in the Treasury report
– Next month should have the proposed budget for Regionals 2022
– Discussion about the Majors events being scheduled between 2 Super Tours; concern about having enough participants to break even or come only a little ahead for the cost of the event.
– Some discussion about the pros and cons for increasing fees to cover costs vs pros and cons for decreasing fees to attract more participants

Track Event: (Matt Downing submitted info via email)
– Budgets for September 2021, October 2021 and proposed 2022 were submitted – Matt & Glenn still need some people to take over this group for leadership

Competition: none

Special Events: none


– Looking more closely at using the Villa Milano for banquet in January 2023 (video conference option is available there)
– Need to find out the SCCA National Convention date for January 2023 to make sure it does not conflict with the OVR banquet date. – BoD awards for 2021 go to: Tami Tackett and Sam Halkias
– Steward award for 2021 goes to: Randy Tackett

Membership: (Dennis Barschow via email)
247 family, 473 regular, 26 life = 746 (32 dual & 5 free) -Years of membership pins will be sent out on MondayWebsite: None

Observers Stand: (Dave Brown)
– Next issue to include those people who are receiving awards for the 2021 seasonHistorian: none

New Business:

Motion to approve Phil Alspach for Treasurer and Sam Halkias for Assistant Treasurer
Summers/Brown Approved

– Sam said the Treasury desperately needs an update in the computer equipment (including software & printer)

Motion made by Sam requesting $1500 for new computer and equipment Summers/Hodge Approved

– Spring Training (Hodge)—Still planning on having it in Ft. Wayne, IN on March 5th; registration will be on the Great Lakes Region website; there is some discussion about some of the meeting sessions being virtual
– Further discussion at next BoD meeting about who will be attending from OVRNext meeting location: Via Zoom (February 9, 2022)

Motion to Adjourn: Hodge/ Sheets Approved-meeting adjourned @ 9:11pm

Respectfully submitted by Tami Tackett, Region Secretary

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Notes from the Director’s Chair

Area 4 Director Update for February, 2022


Wow…. January was quite a month for me.….so much for the “off season”.  The holidays were nice as the OU Sooners and MSU Spartans both won their bowl games.  In addition to the usual monthly fare, I was tasked with preparing a presentation for the SCCA National Convention on the Electrified Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC).  As a sales rep, I’m used to speaking to folks but doing it via Zoom was different and I was nervous leading up to doing it.  It turned out great and you can view the session on YouTube by clicking here.


Elsewhere in the Division, in case you missed it last month, it bears repeating that our divisional Spring meeting will be on Saturday March 5th with a casual gathering the night before. Details will be announced as they are finalized on the GLDiv website.


Last month I mentioned that there is a new path to getting your annual waiver.  You can now get it through the Member Account Portal (MAP).  Follow this link to get the instructions.  There is also a story about the program here.  I’ve done it and it takes only a couple of minutes. Be prepared to upload a headshot picture of yourself.


The various national schedules for 2022 are starting to coalesce and they can be found here:

Pro Solo/National TourTime Trials National TourHoosier Super TourEnduro.


Video Conference Meetings:

  • Club Racing Board (CRB) (1/4):  The CRB has a new Chair this year and he wants to run things a little differently.  This change in structure meant we had more time to discuss topics on a deeper level.  The results can be seen here.
  • Electrified Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC) (1/12):  Our discussion on rules sets, track relationships and safety continued.  We continued to work on the convention presentation.
  • BoD (1/24):  Our meeting was pretty standard fare.  Unfortunately, in addition to the usual stuff, we had to discuss a couple of member complaint letters that were sent to the CRB.  The writers made allegations that needed to be discussed at the highest levels.  As this is a sensitive topic, I cannot elaborate here.  We also discussed the IT tire rule.  I lead the charge against making this change.  It was too broad and we asked the CRB to try again.
  • EVAC SCCA Convention Presentation (1/27):  The EVAC was asked to give a presentation during the convention about what we’ve accomplished and where we’re heading.  To view it, click here.


SCCA Events:

  • As the competition season is over for most of our specialties, I did not attend any SCCA events this past month.  I have updated my calendar on the GLDiv website with events I’d like to go to this season.  Click here to see where I’ll be this summer.


If any region out there wants to have an “Ask the Director” session during your monthly meetings, please do not hesitate to contact me so we can schedule a visit.  I retired last summer so have plenty of free time and would thoroughly enjoy the chance to visit with your members.


Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have about any facet of the GLDiv. I want you to make the most of your membership and I will help out in any way possible to make that happen.


Dayle Frame
Area 4 Director
Great Lakes Division 517.889.1117 (h)

Notes from the Director’s Chair

Area 4 Director Update for March 2022


The racing season has already started in the warmer climes of our country….but, of course, not here.  With all due apologies to our RoadRally and RallyX friends who run around in the snow, its still way too damn cold to play with race cars (at least for me).  


I hope everyone has registered for the divisional Spring meeting.  If so, I’ll see you there.  If you haven’t, please consider joining us in Fort Wayne on Saturday March 5th with a casual gathering the night before. You can register by following this link.  I look forward to seeing you there.


Last month I mentioned that there is a new path to getting your annual waiver.  You can now get it through the Member Account Portal (MAP).  Follow this link to get the instructions.  There is also a story about the program here.  I’ve done it and it takes only a couple of minutes. Be prepared to upload a headshot picture of yourself.


The various national schedules for 2022 are starting to coalesce and they can be found here:

Pro Solo/National TourTime Trials National TourHoosier Super TourEnduro.


Video Conference Meetings:

  • Club Racing Board (CRB) (2/1):  The CRB is dealing with a lot of “balance of performance” (BoP) requests from the BSpec community.  We spent a lot of time wresting with how to equilibrate the class.  The results can be seen here.
  • Electrified Vehicle Advisory Committee (EVAC) (2/9):  Our SCCA National Convention presentation went very well.  We thought that for a weekday afternoon time slot, we had pretty good attendance.  There were over 100 who attended “live” and twice that have watched the recording of the presentation since then.  If you’re interested, its available to viewing on YouTube at this link.  Our regular meeting continued working on various rules packages and laying out the steps for implementation.
  • EVAC (2/15):  We had an additional meeting to work on additional language for our EV wiring protocol.  This was a couple of hours of VERY esoteric stuff.  Mind numbingly boring…..but necessary.
  • EVAC (2/24):  A couple of us from the EVAC had a side meeting with Peter Jankovskis (BoD Chair) and Steve Strickland (BoD Vice Chair) to iron out some feedback they had gotten from some of the program boards.  Most were simple misunderstandings of the intent and once we discussed it, all apprehensions were erased.
  • BoD (2/28):  As it’s so close to the end of the month, I’ll report on this meeting in my next update.


SCCA Events:

  • As the competition season is over for most of our specialties, I did not attend any SCCA events this past month.  I have updated my calendar on the GLDiv website with events I’d like to go to this season.  Click here to see where I’ll be this summer.  All that is about to change as I head to Fort Wayne for the divisional meeting on 3/4, 3/5.  After that, I’ll be off to VIR for a Major race there in early April (and a visit to my brother who lives close by the track).


Just a quick reminder, if any region out there wants to have an “Ask the Director” session during your monthly meetings, please do not hesitate to contact me so we can schedule a visit.  I retired last summer so have plenty of free time and would thoroughly enjoy the chance to visit with your members.


Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have about any facet of the GLDiv. I want you to make the most of your membership and I will help out in any way possible to make that happen.


Dayle Frame
Area 4 Director Great Lakes Division 517.889.1117 (h)

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