OVR SCCA Solo 2025 Test & Tune Event

Test & Tune Event
The Ohio Valley Region 2025 Test & Tune will be limited to SCCA members only. The event will be capped to 70 drivers and is intended for experienced drivers to have an event to get their car ready for the season.
Welcome to the Ohio Valley Region of the SCCA
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All registration is pre-registration. There will be no walk-up registration.
Come join us at Fortress in Obetz. The site has great pavement that performs well even in the rain. It is a full facility site (restroom access, good viewing spots, grassy areas and a fenced in lot) that offers great course designs and a safe operating environment. It is also reasonably close to local restaurants and sometimes offers food trucks for the events.
Safety is a high priority at our events and we require that all participants adhere to all safety rules and regulations. See our registration requirements for all necessary safety statements.
Car classing is done according to SCCA PAX/RTP guidelines. If you are unsure of your car class please email ovrsoloreg@ovr-scca.org for assistance. Here is a guide that may help you select your car class as well: SCCA Car Classifier
All regulations can be found here: OVR SCCA Solo Supplemental Regulations
***Your SCCA Member#, First & Last Name MUST match your national SCCA Membership exactly***
***IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PARENTS: Minor waivers require signatures from BOTH parents. Minor waivers are required for minors that will be driving or riding along at the event. A separate spectator viewing area away from the hot zones will be marked, which will not require a waiver to occupy.
The minor waiver form is available here: https://ovr-scca.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/SCCA_Minor_SCCA_Official_1068_09_15.pdf
If you need to have parents sign at separate times it can be done via the Notarized form found here: https://ovr-scca.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/SCCA_Minor_SCCA_Official_1068_09_15.pdf
2025 OHIO VALLEY REGION Typical Event Schedule
7:30AM | Site Open |
7:30 – 8:45AM | Driver Check-in with Registration |
7:30 – 8:45AM | Tech Inspection Open |
8:30 – 9:15AM | Course Open for Walking |
8:45AM | Tech & Registration Closed |
8:45 – 9:15AM | Mandatory Novice Course Walk and Meeting |
9:20 – 9:40AM | Mandatory Driver’s Meeting for ALL Drivers |
9:40AM | Drivers report to the Grid |
9:40AM | Workers report to Worker Chief |
9:45 – 10:00AM | 1st Car on Course |
Note: All events require all day participation. In order to keep events affordable and maintain an appropriate level of safety we require everyone at the event to fulfill their work assignments. Obviously life emergencies do happen so if you are attending an event and the need to leave early does occur we will manage it accordingly. All times recorded for the day will be dropped in fairness to the other competitors.
All registration is pre-registration. There will be no walk-up registration.